Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > LogFontCreations



Not specified


Set the LogFontCreations parameter to true if you want all font creations on the client node logged in the jommsgn.log file to enable you to determine exactly which fonts are used by the application.

The first font specification is the original value. The second specification that follows the equals symbol is the actual font used (that is, the substituted font). If no substitution match is found, unmatched is displayed. In all other cases, the sequentially numbered substituted font specification that is used is displayed at the right of the original font definition used, as shown in the following example.

JomLog: Create-Font: MS Sans Serif:9.75:regular:regular = unmatched
JomLog: Create-Font: Arial:12:regular:regular = unmatched
JomLog: Create-Font: MS Sans Serif:8.25:bold:regular = unmatched
JomLog: Create-Font: Arial:8.25:bold:regular = unmatched
JomLog: Create-Font: Courier New:9:regular:regular = Courier New:11:regular:regular [#4]